Groundbreaking MIC sampling program on North Sea FPSO subsea infrastructure

Film-Ocean has undertaken what is believed to be the first in situ sampling program on a North Sea based FPSO for MIC (microbial influenced corrosion) and SRB (Sulphur Reducing Bacteria). Having seen positive visual indications of MIC/SRB on a recent annual survey program and second phase deployment was initiated with specific tooling developed to take samples of both Bio-Film, from the surface of the chain, and mud close to the buried section of chain. The samples taken were given to a microbiologist, who travelled offshore with the ROV team, to inoculate/stabilise before being transported onshore for incubation and testing. By developing cost effective tooling for our inspection class ROV’s we were able to offer significant costs savings to our client as the need for vessel intervention was negated with production remaining unaffected.

Falcon ROV fitted with sampling skid to take bio-film samples from chain links.

Falcon ROV fitted with sampling skid to take bio-film samples from chain links.

Further examples of MIC on mooring chain links.

Bespoke mud sampling equipment developed specifically for the project.

Visual indications of potential MIC attack on chain link.

Visual indications of potential MIC attack on chain link.

Bespoke mud sampling equipment developed specifically for the project.

Further examples of MIC on mooring chain links.